Our first Club event was held on 16th March in the framework of the WBA Spring Semester 2021!
Continuing the theme analyzed at the first training on 2 March, we have investigated the state of the art of the Central and Eastern European (CEE) innovation ecosystem.
Some highlights of the event:
- After Eszter Szabó, President of WBA opened the event, Ádám Somlai-Fischer from Prezi talked about his experiences in the US innovation ecosystem and how those can be adapted in CEE. He also explained the Bridge Budapest initiative that aims to change the framework, the mindset around Hungarian enterprises and entrepreneurship. Ádám emphasized the role of diversity and the role of women’s involvement into innovation.
- He was followed by Enikő Nőthig-Hegedűs, co-founder of EdUcate, who underlined the importance of connections, expertise and advice – as the most important tools for development. She advised new startups to go and pitch to investors as soon as they can, because the feedback is crucial from the first steps.
- The next speaker, Emese Katona, co-founder from the start-up Askara pitched their concept on a special social game for couples, trying to respond to the challenges placed by COVID on relationships. The pitch was followed by questions, comments and suggestions from angels and angel-to-bes.
See highlights of the event here.
How can you learn more about the Semester and join it? Fill in the registration form on the website!
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
- Barbara Verő (vero.barbara@futureproofconsulting.eu, +36205565058)
- Eszter Szabó (eszter.szabo@eszterforcee.com)